Friday, June 21, 2019

"Spanking Through Time" Excerpt

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog. I'd like to introduce you to my book "Spanking Through Time" which has recently been published. It's an anthology of eight romantic  stories spanning two centuries always ending with a spanking; sometimes two.  In writing these, I used my love of history ( especially the Victorian Era) and my knowledge of dance to create each tale. It is available on Amazon in paperback form and as an ebook:
Below is a sample of  Chapter IV Boston 1903. See my previous post for an excerpt from Chapter I
London 1814.
Amanda had just taken off her tea gown and let down her hair when she heard the bedroom door open. “Thinking it was Anna, she turned, saying, “I think I’ll wear my…..” Upon seeing Brett, she gasped, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM? GET OUT AT ONCE?”
 As Brett looked at her in just her ruffled petticoat and camisole with her beautiful hair loose and falling to her waist, he felt his heart stop. But he steeled himself and said, “No Amanda, you’re disappointing a lot of children by your carelessness. You think having a dress fitting is more important than giving those poor children your attention and time? You have a deluded sense of class distinction which does you no credit. I don’t know how you were brought up, but since our first meeting I’ve thought you were badly in need of attitude adjustment and I promised you that one day you would get it. Well, this is that day Amanda.” And without further comment, he grabbed her by the arm and, seating himself in a large chair, yanked her across his knee and began to spank her.
Amanda had been her father’s princess who never received any sort of punishments. Her shock at being across Brett’s knee was swiftly replaced by cries as his firm hand came down again and again on her tender bottom.
 Brett ignored her cries and the spanking continued with each spank making her bottom burn. Suddenly, he stopped, saying,” I don’t think this is getting through to you enough, so we’ll have to make sure that it does.” He lifted up her petticoat, exposing her French drawers. Seeing him pick up the paddle he had placed by the chair, she began to sob and, at the first crack of it on her thinly clad bottom, she cried out,
 “OH NO!!!! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!!!” CRACK! “OW!!!! “OW!!!! CRACK! “OWWW!!!!!!!!!”
 The paddle continued meeting her bottom, making her kick her white silk stockinged legs. Amanda’s tears flowed as her bottom got redder and redder against the white material of her drawers.
 “BRETT….NO MORE! PLEASE! PLEASE!! Crack! Crack Crack! OWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! One last CRACK with the paddle and she lay sobbing across his knee. After a moment,he helped her up and sternly said, “Now listen to me. I want you to compose yourself and get dressed. We are going back to the orphanage where you will see to it that the children have a wonderful party. Is that understood?” Tearfully, with her head down, Amanda nodded. “I’ll give you five minutes.”


                                                     Saturday Spankings

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

 My name is Violette and I just completed a book titled "Spanking Through Time". It consists of eight romantic stories from different time periods (1800s to the present day) which always leads up to a spanking (M/F). I think the book is best described as spanking/romance/historical and is available both in print and as an ebook on Amazon and Kindle. I have included an excerpt from the first story set in London 1814 below. 
As the front door opened and Charles entered with Rebecca, the waiting Mattie ran to embrace her.
 “Later Mattie,” said Charles sternly and taking Rebecca’s hand, led her upstairs to his bedroom. He swept her into his arms in a fierce embrace. Upon releasing her, he held her by the shoulders and looking into her beautiful eyes, said, “Becca much of this is my fault and I own my share of the blame. I was badly hurt years ago and vowed never to let love enter my heart again. I kept that vow until the evening I saw you. I have loved you from the beginning and am sorry my foolishness made you believe I didn’t. Please forgive me.”
 “Oh Charles, I love you so,” Becca said with joy. They embraced again.
  “But,” said Charles once more holding her shoulders, “there is another matter here.  I can forgive Tattersalls and I can forgive the silly dance last evening for I know now what caused your behavior, but I cannot overlook taking it into your head to go to the worst section of town. What would have happened if I had not found you? I know you thought I didn’t care, but you put yourself in extreme danger and something now has to be done about it.”
Wide-eyed, Rebecca listened to this. She then started to speak, “I thought….Charles…I…”
 “Becca, your father told me once about how headstrong you can be and I dismissed it. Now I see that you are and need to be taught this lesson.” Taking her by the hand, he walked over to a chair, sat down and threw her across his knee. Pulling up her slim dress, he saw that she wore a pair of thin muslin drawers trimmed at the ankles with lace. He knew they would not give her much protection and began to severely spank her.
 “CHARLES!” she cried, “Oh NO! NO!”
 He ignored her cries and his strong punishing hand met her tender bottom over and over. Soon she was kicking those muslin covered legs and wriggling to get off his lap. This made her hair loosen and tumble down her back, but he only held her more firmly. “SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! “No more headstrong ways, Becca.” SPANK! “NO MORE.” SPANK! SPANK! “PROMISE ME.” SPANK! SPANK!
 Becca’s bottom was burning and she sobbed and sobbed, but said nothing. Charles decided that she had yet to learn her lesson, so he began spanking her more severely. His hand felt like thick wood smacking into her tender bottom cheeks. Becca cried even louder, but Charles did not let up. He continued to punish her as hard as he could. “Please, Charles! I can’t take any more!” Charles was totally focused on teaching his beautiful wife the lesson of her young life. He put everything he had into the next volley of spanks. The spanking sounded like firecrackers exploding and Becca cried louder, then started screaming her lungs out. “AGHHHHHHHH!”
 He finally stopped and let her up. She stood there, head down, rubbing her very sore bottom.  “I want you in the corner right now.” Still rubbing her bottom, Becca tearfully obeyed.
“You are to stay there until I return. Is that clear?”
 “Yes Charles” sniffed Rebecca.
As she stood there, she heard him leave the room. When he returned a few minutes later, he said,” Come over here and take off your dress.”
 Once more she obeyed him. She stood there clad only in her chemise and the muslin drawers. He ordered her over to the bed where he untied the strings of her drawers and, pulling them down, placed her on the bed with her bottom in the air.
 “Becca, you have been soundly spanked but I am going to make sure this that lesson is one you won’t forget. You are to get ten strokes with the cane and with each one I want you to remember your foolish action today” he said sternly.
 Fresh tears began as she realized her punishment was not yet over.